Spain – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Spain began publishing to IATI in October 2011. In June 2014, it published current information to the IATI Registry for the first time, publishing information on ODA provided in 2013. It also published an IATI organisation file and updated its implementation schedule to include plans to publish 60% of IATI fields assessed. Information on ODA flows reported to the OECD DAC’s CRS is available on the info@OD website, however information on current activities was included after data collection for the 2014 Index had ended. As an EU Member State, Spain is part of the EU’s collective commitment to both the EU Transparency Guarantee and the Busan common standard, of which IATI is a core component. It is a member of OGP and its National Action Plan includes commitments specific to aid transparency.
Spain scores 50.6%, an increase of 33 percentage points from its 2013 ATI score, making it one of the biggest improvers in 2014. This is owed to the publication of current information on its aid activities to the IATI Standard in 2014. It ranks ninth out of 50 bilateral organisations and is placed in the fair category. It performs well on organisation-level information and leads organisations in the fair category on organisation planning information. It performs moderately on basic activity and classifications information, scoring 70% of the total possible points for these sub-groups. Work remains to be done on project documents as these are not currently linked to specific activities in Spain’s IATI activity files. It does not publish information on results, conditions or impact appraisals consistently enough to score on these indicators. Of the 22 indicators that take format into account, 17 are published in machine-readable format. Overall however, Spain does not score on 14 of the 39 indicators, including important information items such as objectives, current status, audit and evaluations.
- Spain should improve its IATI publication so it is comprehensive, up-to-date and includes activity dates, current status, links to project documents and results and conditions data.
- It should update its implementation schedule in 2014 so it is more ambitious, including specific timelines and delivery targets, aiming towards full publication of the IATI Standard by the end of 2015.
- Spain should use its IATI data in its programming and coordination processes and promote access to this data by others.
- It should ensure that info@OD includes information on flows from all Spanish aid-spending ministries. It should update this information on at least a quarterly basis and include it in its IATI publication.
First published to IATI:
2013 ATI Score:
2013 ATI Rank: