12. Implementer
13. Unique ID
14. Title
15. Description
16. Planned Dates
17. Actual Dates
18. Current Status
20. Collaboration Type
21. Flow Type
22. Aid Type
23. Finance Type
24. Sector
25. Sub-national Location
26. Tied Aid Status
27. MoU
28. Evaluations
29. Objectives
30. Budget Docs
31. Contracts
32. Tenders
33. Budget
34. Commitments
35. Disbursements And Expenditure
36. Budget Identifier
37. Results
38. Impact Appraisals
39. Conditions
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
12. Implementer
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
No statement indicating that MINEFI does not implement any projects directly could be found on the website. Data for each indicator
Expand...must be current for an organisation to be able to score on the indicator. “Current” is defined as published within the 12 months immediately prior to the data collection period (1 April–30 June 2014), so information published on 1 April 2013 or later and that relates to that date or later is accepted as current. Information published after 1 April 2013 but relating to a period prior to then, for example 2012 DAC CRS data, is not accepted as current. Note that the survey is completed using activity-level information from five randomly selected activities in the donor's largest recipient country (Cote d'Ivoire).
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
13. Unique ID
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
14. Title
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
15. Description
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
16. Planned dates
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
17. Actual dates
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
18. Current Status
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
20. Collaboration Type
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
21. Flow Type
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
22. Aid Type
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
23. Finance Type
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
24. Sector
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures.
Click here to view history
25. Sub-national location
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
Not published
Independent Reviewer
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
26. Tied Aid Status
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
MoUs are expected for all recipient countries. Jointly developed documents governing the relationship between the organisation and the recipient are accepted as equivalent, e.g. investment codes or partnership/country agreements that have been developed in conjunction with recipient governments. This information could not be found.
Click here to view history
27. MoU
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
La France ne signe des documents de coopération et de partenariat qu'avec les pays pauvres prioritaires (PPP). Pour mémoire, tous les
Expand...Documents cadres de Partneriats (DCP) signés sont publiés en ligne.
PWYF Review
Not published
MoUs are expected for all recipient countries. Jointly developed documents governing the relationship between the organisation and the recipient are accepted
Expand...as equivalent, e.g. investment codes or partnership/country agreements that have been developed in conjunction with recipient governments.
Independent Reviewer
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
MoUs are expected for all recipient countries. Jointly developed documents governing the relationship between the organisation and the recipient are accepted
Expand...as equivalent, e.g. investment codes or partnership/country agreements that have been developed in conjunction with recipient governments. This information could not be found.
Publication Status
Format: Document
Only four evaluations are available for the period 2011 - 2013. None could be found for 2012. Further, not all evaluations that were to be taken according the evaluation policy document (1st link) could be found.
Click here to view history
28. Evaluations
Scored 'sometimes published' as only a few evaluations were available on this site. It is unclear whether this is a comprehensive
Donor Review
Toutes les évaluations effectuées sont postées en ligne.
PWYF Review
Only four evaluations are available for the period 2011 - 2013. None could be found for 2012. Further, not all evaluations
Expand...that were to be taken according the evaluation policy document (1st link) could be found.
Independent Reviewer
PWYF Final Assessment
Only four evaluations are available for the period 2011 - 2013. None could be found for 2012. Further, not all evaluations
Expand...that were to be taken according the evaluation policy document (1st link) could be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
This indicator requires objectives to be published for individual activities. The objectives need to include the detailed description of the activity, the target sector/group and expected outcomes. This information could not be found. As confirmed by the independent reviewer, the documents cited by the donor were not available at the time of this assessment.
Click here to view history
29. Objectives
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
Des indicateurs d'objectifs sont détaillés dans les RAP et les PAP. Le RAP sera publié d'ici fin juin.
PWYF Review
Not published
This indicator requires objectives to be published for individual activities. The objectives need to include the detailed description of the activity,
Expand...the target sector/group and expected outcomes.
Independent Reviewer
The documents cited by the donor are sent very late to parliamentarians (late september/october ; and not June as it
Expand...is mentionned in the index). Some years, these documents are sent after the audition of the Minister. This does not allow for a true democratic and parliamentary control.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
This indicator requires objectives to be published for individual activities. The objectives need to include the detailed description of the activity,
Expand...the target sector/group and expected outcomes. This information could not be found. As confirmed by the independent reviewer, the documents cited by the donor were not available at the time of this assessment.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
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30. Budget Docs
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator. Budget
Expand...documents provide the breakdown of the total activity cost by individual line items of spending
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Format: Document
List of contracts awarded by MINEFI can be found in the same website as the one for tenders, when you search by MINEFI.
Click here to view history
31. Contracts
List of contracts awarded by MINEFI can be found in the same website as the one for tenders, when you search
Expand...by MINEFI.
Donor Review
PWYF Review
Independent Reviewer
PWYF Final Assessment
List of contracts awarded by MINEFI can be found in the same website as the one for tenders, when you search
Expand...by MINEFI.
Publication Status
Format: Document
Published through a centralised website.
Click here to view history
32. Tenders
Published through a centralised website.
Donor Review
PWYF Review
Independent Reviewer
PWYF Final Assessment
Published through a centralised website.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
As confirmed by the independent reviewer the documents cited by the donor were not available at the time of this assessment. This information could not be found.
Click here to view history
33. Budget
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
Not published
The allocation of the total government budget dedicated to ODA is publicly available per year and
Expand...institution on a three-year forecast baseline. These information are detailed by: french funder, year, geography, sector, type of aid etc… .
The statistical information related to the disaggregated forward planning budget are analyzed, consolidated and reviewed every year by the MINEFI. They are released in an annual document coproduced with MAE “Document de Politique Transversal de la France”. The 2014 version of this budget document will be available by the end os septmeber and the 2013 version is available at the following link : http://www.performance-publique.budget.gouv.fr/fileadmin/medias/documents/ressources/PLF2013/DPT/DPT2013_politique_developpement.pdf
This document comprises key information concerning the French aid especially the French allocation strategy by geography, sector, and in particular the MINEFI’s strategy concerning the multilateral aid and the allocation by international institution.
PWYF Review
Not published
This indicator assesses the availability of forward-looking activity level budgets. The budget of the activity is the breakdown of the total
Expand...financial commitment to the activity into annual or quarterly chunks. In order to score for this indicator, the budget for at least the next year ahead (i.e. until 31 December 2014) or until the end of the activity - whichever is sooner - should be available.
Independent Reviewer
The documents cited by the donor are sent very late to parliamentarians (late september/october ; and not June as it
Expand...is mentionned in the index). Some years, these documents are sent after the audition of the Minister. This does not allow for a true democratic and parliamentary control.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
As confirmed by the independent reviewer the documents cited by the donor were not available at the time of this assessment.
Expand...This information could not be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
34. Commitments
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun).
PWYF Review
Not published
See earlier comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
35. Disbursements and expenditure
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
Not published
'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun).
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
36. Budget Identifier
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
As confirmed by the independent reviewer the documents cited by the donor were not available at the time of this review. This information could not be found.
Click here to view history
37. Results
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
Not published
Cette information est renseignée dans le rapport bisannuel au parlement qui sera mis en ligne d'ici fin mai sur le site
Expand...data.gouv.fr ; elle est en outre renseignée dans le RAP (Rapport
annuel de performance) qui sera mis en ligne d'ici fin juin, où on peut trouver des informations par indicateur (ex : lutte contre la pauvreté) avec pour chacun d'entre eux une déclinaison par secteur : santé, eau, infrastructure, etc.)
PWYF Review
Not published
These documents were not available at the time of this review.
Independent Reviewer
The documents cited by the donor are sent very late to parliamentarians (late september/october ; and not June as it
Expand...is mentionned in the index). Some years, these documents are sent after the audition of the Minister. This does not allow for a true democratic and parliamentary control.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
As confirmed by the independent reviewer the documents cited by the donor were not available at the time of this review.
Expand...This information could not be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
38. Impact Appraisals
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Publication Status
Not Published
No data available.
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.
Click here to view history
39. Conditions
Not published
No current activity-level information could be found for ODA projects funded by MINEFI on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr
Donor Review
L'essentiel de l'activité bilatérale de la France avec les pays partenaires est mise en oeuvre par l'AFD. Le MINEFI centralise l'ensemble
Expand...des données d'aide au développement, les vérifie, les harmonise et garantie que toutes les caractéristiques des projets soient renseignées, uniques et précises.
The CRS official development aid data is publicly available and gives detailed information by project, with a unique ID, about the main indicators that you use in your assessment: tied aid status, sectorial, collaboration type, current status, finance type, aid type, description, flow type, title, conditions, overall cost, sub-national location when available, planned dates, actual dates, the implementer, actual expenditure. You will be able to download this file by the end of june in XML format on the French interministerial website (http://www.data.gouv.fr/).
En outre, nous rappelons que la publication au format IATI des données d'aide pour les 4 PPP interviendra d'ici le 30 juin (cf. nouvel agenda de mise en oeuvre du standard commun)
PWYF Review
Not published
See above comments on why CRS data and data on the 4 PPPs cannot be used to score this indicator.
Independent Reviewer
See comments on the implementation schedules indicator.
PWYF Final Assessment
Not published
At the time of the final review, no current activity-level information could be found on MINEFI's website or on data.gouv.fr for
Expand...Cote d'Ivoire, which was the largest recipient of MINEFI funding as per the DAC CRS 2012 figures. Nor could a statement clarifying that MINEFI does not directly implement projects be found.