Further Findings – #07.
EU ATI Brief
Back to OverviewThe EU ATI brief provides additional detail about the progress made by EU Member States and EU institutions since the publication of the 2012 ATI and offers specific recommendations for areas of improvement.
- Start publishing. All EU Member States should begin publishing to IATI in early 2014 so that they can aim to fulfil their aid transparency commitments in full by the end of 2015. Newer Member States should engage in the EU-13 project for enhancing Official Development Assistance (ODA) reporting capacity and systems to ensure it includes the full IATI standard and enables them to deliver on the 2015 deadline.
- Plan openly. Each EU aid agency and organisation should produce or refresh an implementation schedule by mid-2014 to include ambitious plans for expanding its IATI publication. This is not a rote exercise – it helps organisations to set delivery targets and specific dates against which they will be held accountable. It also provides an opportunity to discuss priorities and approaches with data users.
- Make the most of aid transparency. The European Commission and Member States should continue to champion improved aid transparency in international fora and within the EU. The EC should continue to strengthen the transparency of its external assistance by ensuring that all departments managing EU external funding publish to IATI. The EC should take steps to promote publication to IATI among implementing partners of EC aid. All development actors should actively use their IATI data in internal programming and coordination processes and promote the use of this information by others via an open data portal.
Read the full EU ATI brief.