World Bank – International Development Association

See World Bank commitments and recommendations.
The World Bank is an original IATI signatory and was the first multilateral organisation to publish in April 2011. It should be congratulated for making significant improvements to its IATI data to include project documents and sub-national location information. It updated its implementation schedule in July 2013 to be more ambitious, with plans to publish to 89% of IATI fields by the end of 2015.
The World Bank is preparing an openness and transparency framework to increase coherence across the World Bank Group on its internal open data streams – including World Bank Finances, Mapping for Results and the Open Data Initiative – and external engagement with transparency initiatives. The World Bank also publishes information through the World Bank Finances platform, providing visualisations for activities funded through development credits, grants and concessional guarantees. The World Bank Institute provides the secretariat for the Open Aid Partnership.
IDA scored 73.8%, placing it at the top of the good category. It has continued to improve its aid transparency; its marginal decline in the Index ranking is owed to UNDP, GAVI and MCC publishing higher quality data to IATI. IDA performs well on most sub-groups of indicators, receiving over 90% of the total possible points on the planning sub-group at the organisation level and the basic and classification sub-groups at the activity level, as well as over 70% on commitment and the provision of project documents. It posts lower scores on organisation and activity financial information. While performance and evaluation documents are available in IDA’s data, structured results data is not, although this information is often available on its website. It scores the maximum possible points on 15 of 39 indicators. Of the 22 indicators that take format into account, 18 are published in IATI XML format, while two others – disaggregated budgets and activity overall cost – are published in other formats on its website.[1] Overall, IDA scores on 37 of the 39 indicators.
[1] Although the World Bank does publish forward budget data for FY14 for 14 countries in its IATI data, these could not be assessed in the IATI data as the lack of a total (current or future) budget meant there was no way to assess the percentage of country budgets that were available.
- The World Bank should continue to improve its publication to IATI so it is comprehensive and uses all fields, including more information in its organisation file, forward-looking budget and performance data, and links to activity documents.
- It should improve its publication process so that it can publish high quality data straight out of its systems, more frequently (preferably monthly) and consistently.
- It should consider making further improvements to its ambitious implementation schedule by early 2014, aiming for full implementation of the IATI standard and monthly publication by the end of 2015.
- It should support and encourage other World Bank Group institutions – including IFC and MIGA – and World Bank-administered trust funds and financial intermediary funds to publish to IATI.
First published to IATI:
Data was found in the following formats where relevant:
82% IATI
5% CSV/Excel
0% PDF
5% Website
9% Not Published