U.S. – Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Very good

MCC is a U.S. foreign assistance agency providing large-scale grants. It currently manages Compacts and Threshold Programs in 38 countries. See U.S.-wide commitments and recommendations.
MCC should be congratulated for publishing high quality information in line with the IATI standard. All MCC’s current Compacts and Threshold Programs are published in IATI XML on MCC’s website. The information on the Foreign Assistance Dashboard includes planning, obligation and spending data. MCC has developed an Open Data Catalogue which includes machine-readable datasets, descriptions of the datasets (dataset metadata) and tools that use the data.
MCC scores 88.9%, making it the top ranking agency in the 2013 Index. It is amongst the biggest improvers in the 2013 Index and is the first U.S. agency to enter the top three. MCC’s commendable performance is owed to its recent IATI XML publication, which includes added-value fields that go beyond those listed under the U.S. government’s implementation schedule, including activity budgets, results and conditions. MCC also includes links to project and organisation documents in its IATI XML data. It achieves nearly full scores for activity performance information and provision of project documents. It is one of the few donors to score on the budget ID, sub-national location and disaggregated budgets, including information for three years ahead of the current fiscal year. The latter is in part due to MCC’s Compact design, which extends for five fiscal years. This information can be found in MCC’s data catalogue. Despite the significant progress, there is still some room for improvement. Sub-national locations could be more detailed, and project documents could link to more detailed activity documents.
- MCC’s IATI XML information should be posted to the IATI Registry.
- MCC should ensure the quality and integrity of its data is maintained in all future publications by the Dashboard and to the IATI Registry.
- Future IATI publications should include disaggregated budgets specific to each Compact and Threshold Program.
First published to IATI:
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