GAVI Alliance
Very good

GAVI is an original IATI signatory and began publishing to IATI in January 2012. Its 2012 Access to Information Policy sets out the categories of documents to be made publicly available to external audiences. GAVI should be congratulated for making significant improvements in its IATI publication in 2013, including becoming the first organisation to begin publishing the economic classification of the budget identifier. It should also be commended for publishing the most ambitious implementation schedule assessed; GAVI plans to publish to 98% of IATI fields by 2015.
GAVI scores 87.3%, ranking second overall. It achieves high scores on all the indicator sub-groups, scoring over 90% of the total possible points for organisation planning information and classification information at the activity level; over 80% for activity-related financial and performance data; and over 70% in all other areas. It has the highest score overall at the organisation level. GAVI publishes all 22 indicators measured by format in IATI XML – the only organisation to do so. Existing good data management systems and a small dedicated team focusing on IATI implementation allowed GAVI to move quickly to make significant improvements in their data. Furthermore, GAVI’s identification of the economic classification of projects (by assuming that all vaccine-specific financing should be considered recurrent expenditure) is an innovative way of generating this information from existing data. A similar methodology could be a good basis for other organisations to begin identifying the capital/recurrent split of aid programmes through the budget identifier. Working with other donors through the IATI Technical Advisory Group will be important to ensure consistency in definitions in this area.
- GAVI should continue to lead on aid transparency by systematically providing links to specific project documents in its IATI files rather than links to websites listing these documents.
- In order to further improve the quality of its IATI data, GAVI should encourage wider use of this feed and begin automatic data exchange with its delivery partners, via the IATI format. It should also promote access and use of its aid information via an open data portal.
- GAVI should update its Access to Information Policy to reflect best-case practices in disclosure policies, including a presumption of disclosure, clearly defined exceptions for commercial interest and third parties and an independent appeals body.
First published to IATI:
Data was found in the following formats where relevant:
100% IATI
0% CSV/Excel
0% PDF
0% Website
0% Not Published