Event: How can data revolutionize development?
The Board of Friends of Publish What You Fund and Oxfam America are holding an event to launch two reports reviewing the state of aid transparency in the U.S. and making recommendations to the next Administration.
National Press Club, 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC
Friday October 21, 2016
9.00 – 11.00 AM
How Can Data Revolutionize Development: An Assessment of U.S. Foreign Aid Transparency and Putting Data at the Center of U.S. Global Development
Over the last decade the U.S. Government and a range of civil society stakeholders have taken considerable steps to improve U.S. foreign aid transparency. The U.S. has been a signatory to a number of global processes, including the International Aid Transparency Initiative and the Open Government Partnership.
With significant input from the Government and civil society organizations, Friends of Publish What You Fund has assessed the progress of U.S. aid transparency over the last decade. From those learnings, we have produced a number of recommendations to continue the progress of making U.S. aid transparent, and offering some new ideas to expand U.S. commitments in order to put the data revolution at the heart of U.S. global development going forward.
The event will include a short presentation on the report findings and recommendations for the next Administration. This will be followed by a discussion chaired by George Ingram, Senior Fellow at Brookings Institution and Chair of Friends of Publish What You Fund. The panel’s topics will include the growing importance of humanitarian assistance data, how to address the gender-data deficit to improve overall development outcomes, and additional steps that will improve U.S. data quality and encourage greater use.
We are delighted to be joined by the following panelists:
- Tessie San Martin, President and Chief Executive of PLAN International USA
- Nora O’Connell, Associate Vice President of Public Policy & Advocacy, Save the Children
- Beth Tritter, Vice President for the Department of Policy & Evaluation, Millennium Challenge Corporation
If you would like to attend this event, please contact James Coe at james.coe@publishwhatyoufund.org