Spain – Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) is the executive body for Spanish development cooperation. It works in over 30 countries around the world. It is overseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC). Spain-AECID is not an IATI member but has published IATI data since November 2011.
Spain-AECID drops from the ‘fair’ category in 2016 to the poor category in 2018.
They continue to publish on a less than quarterly basis.
Spain-AECID generally publishes information on fewer indicators than in 2016. When the information is not available on the IATI Registry, it is very often not available elsewhere.
Spain-AECID scores on all organisational planning indicators but annual reports. While the organisation strategy, procurement policy and country strategies are published in an IATI format, audit and allocation policy are consistently made available in other formats. The annual report published to the IATI Registry is out of date and no current report could be found elsewhere.
Only two of the seven indicators for financial and budgets component are published in the IATI format. Capital spend, total organisation budgets, disaggregated budgets and projects budgets are not available.
While Spain-AECID does better for the project attributes component, actual dates are not available, and sub-national locations is one of the lowest scoring indicators.
For the joining-up development data component, Spain-AECID does not publish data for tenders, contracts or conditions.
Spain-AECID does not receive any points for the performance component. Reviews and evaluations are sometimes provided on the organisation’s website but data for other indicators is not published.
- Spain-AECID should aim for quarterly, if not monthly publication.
- Spain-AECID should re-double its transparency efforts and publish on the majority of indicators.
- It should focus in particular on providing budgetary and financial information.
- It should start publishing data and documents on its performance, from objectives to results.
- To demonstrate the impact of transparency on development work, Spain-AECID should take responsibility to promote the use of the data they publish: internally, to promote coordination and effectiveness; and externally, to explore online and in-person feedback loops, including at country-level.