The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund)
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) is a partnership organisation between governments, civil society and the private sector. It raises and invests finances to support in country programmes to accelerate the end of these illnesses. The Global Fund became a member of IATI and first published to the IATI Registry in November 2011.
The Global Fund is now in the ‘good’ category.
It publishes to the IATI Registry on a monthly basis.
While the Global Fund publishes most indicators in the comparable IATI format, issues with the quality of the data published to the Registry were noted as, for a number of indicators, the content was missing or the information was not up to date - which is also the case of the Global Fund’s project database. Its disclosure policy also appears to be over ten years old.
For organisational and planning information, although the Global Fund’s IATI publication is not always up to date, most of it is available on the organisation’s website. Country strategies are the only exception as they appeared to be published inconsistently.
The Global Fund is among the top five performers for the finance and budgets component. All are published in an IATI format and the majority of them score highly. It is among the few organisations to score full points on disbursement and expenditures as well project budget documents. There is room for improvement with regards to disaggregated budgets and project budgets.
The Global Fund scores full points on almost all project attributes indicators but faces some basic data quality issues with descriptions as these are not always provided on IATI. Sub-national locations can only be found sometimes on the organisation’s website.
The Global Fund performs well on all indicators within the joining-up development data component and is among the top five performers for this component. Although not available in an open and comparable format, tenders are published on the Global Fund’s website.
For the performance indicators, the Global Fund does well for objectives and results. However, in their IATI data no current documents for reviews and evaluations were provided and pre-project appraisal documents did not include the required information. Information on both these indicators is only sometimes provided in other formats.
- The Global Fund should consider publishing an updated disclosure policy.
- It should focus on the quality of its IATI data so that it consistently includes basic elements, such as descriptions, as well as provides the most up-to-date information on its development activities.
- It should make further improvement on the provision of performance related information, including project reviews and evaluations, as well as pre-project impact appraisals.
- To demonstrate the impact of transparency on development work, the Global Fund should take responsibility to promote the use of the data they publish: internally, to promote coordination and effectiveness; and externally, to explore online and in-person feedback loops, including at country-level.