EC – Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (EC-DEVCO)
MULTIPLE AGENCY GROUP : European CommissionThe Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (EC-DEVCO) is responsible for formulating European Commission (EC) development policy and implementing European Union development cooperation worldwide. EC-DEVCO manages a number of financing instruments, most notably the Development Cooperation Instrument and the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights. The EC became an IATI member in 2008. EC-DEVCO began publishing to IATI in October 2011 and convenes an internal EC working group on improving IATI publication.
EC-DEVCO remains in the ‘good’ category but is the lowest performing of the three EC agencies. It publishes to the IATI Registry on a monthly basis.
All organisational planning indicators are published in the IATI format, barring the allocation policy which is made available on EC-DEVCO’s website.
Except for project budget documents, which are not available at all, all indicators of the finance and budget component are published in the IATI Standard. There is, however, room for improvement with regards to the provision of disaggregated budget and project budget data, which score lowest within this component.
EC-DEVCO publishes on all indicators of the project attributes component and makes them available in an open and comparable format to the IATI Registry. Implementer and sub-national location, however, are the lowest scoring indicators within this component.
It performs well on basic joining-up development data indicators such as aid type, flow type, finance type and tied aid status. However, too few tenders on IATI passed sampling. These could sometimes be found elsewhere on TED, the EU e-tendering website. Following the end of data collection, EC-DEVCO shared a second website (European Commission) where additional current information can be found. Conditions and contracts are neither published to the IATI Registry nor being made available elsewhere.
EC-DEVCO scores below the overall average for the performance component. Although it started publishing results in the IATI Standard, it remains one of the lowest scoring indicators. It scores on no other indicators of the performance component. While objectives, as well as reviews and evaluations, are sometimes being made available, pre-project impact appraisals are not published at all.
- EC-DEVCO should prioritise the publication of comprehensive performance-related information. This should also include pre-project impact appraisals and reviews and evaluations.
- It should make improvements on information that is particularly valued by many data users, such as sub-national locations and implementers.
- Further improvement could be made at project-level to include detailed budgets, as well as project procurement information.
- EC-DEVCO should ensure the quality of its IATI publication, starting by regularly updating activity dates and statuses to reflect its development work on the ground.
- To demonstrate the impact of transparency on development work, EC-DEVCO should take responsibility to promote the use of the data they publish: internally, to promote coordination and effectiveness; and externally, to explore online and in-person feedback loops, including at country-level.