Very good

The 2014 ATI takes into account information published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
Sweden began publishing to the IATI Standard in November 2011 and updates its data on a monthly basis. It should be congratulated on the improvements it has made to its data, publishing 15 additional information items since 2013. Its implementation schedule outlines plans to publish to 95% of the assessed IATI fields by the end of 2015. In 2014, Sweden launched a new version of its open aid data portal – openaid.se – which is driven by IATI data. As an EU Member State, Sweden is part of the EU’s collective commitment to both the EU Transparency Guarantee and the Busan common standard, of which IATI is a core component. It is a member of OGP and has included commitments on aid transparency in its National Action Plan. It has also endorsed the Open Aid Partnership and is one of the few countries to publish the IATI budget identifier. Sweden co-hosts the IATI Secretariat as part of a consortium with UNDP, UNOPS, Ghana and Development Initiatives.
Sweden places in the very good category and scores 83.3%, an increase of 23 percentage points since the 2013 ATI. It ranks third out of 50 bilaterals. It is one of only three organisations in the 2014 index to publish all activity and organisation level indicators to the IATI Registry. Sweden leads on commitment indicators within the very good category and performs well on organisation planning and financial information, scoring over 99% on these sub-groups of indicators. At the activity level, it scores over 90% on basic and classifications information. It performs less well on results and provision of links to project documents in its IATI files, publishing this information for less than 10% of the activities assessed. It is one of the few organisations to publish the budget identifier, which aims to help align information on development flows with recipient country budget classifications. For the 22 indicators that take format into account, all the information is published in IATI XML.
- Sweden should include forward-looking budgets, links to project documents and results and conditions data for all its activities in its IATI files.
- It should use its IATI data in its programming and coordination processes and promote the access and use of this information by others.
- Sweden should continue to champion work on the IATI budget identifier, aiming for roll out in 2015.
First published to IATI:
2013 ATI Score:
2013 ATI Rank: