Andrew Mitchell steps up UK commitment to aid transparency
Andrew Mitchell, UK Secretary of State for International Development, has sent an enthusiastic response to our letter which followed-up from the 7th July IATI meeting.
By Katie Welford | | News
Andrew Mitchell, UK Secretary of State for International Development, has sent an enthusiastic response to our letter which followed-up from the 7th July IATI meeting.
By Katie Welford | | News
The UK Department for International Development relaunched the project information section of its website on 17th August 2010. The improved search interface will allow greater scrutiny of DFID’s spending from its partners and the public.
By Katie Welford | | News
Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State for International Development announced yesterday, 18th July, that UK spending on Afghanistan aid projects will increase by 40%.
By Katie Welford | | News
We are delighted that following the announcement of the UKaid Transparency Guarantee, the Secretary of State for International Development, Andrew Mitchell, reaffirmed his commitment to aid transparency with his statement to the International Aid Transparency Initiative meeting on 7th July 2010:
By Katie Welford | | News
Today Karin Christiansen, Director of Publish What You Fund, spoke at the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Debt, Aid and Trade (APPG DAT), which has a membership of over 170 MPs and Peers in the UK Parliament and has developed into a forum for discussion on crucial issues facing the developing world.
By Katie Welford | | News
Chatham House has released a report, ‘Organizing for Influence: UK Foreign Policy in an Age of Uncertainty’, which highlights open data as a necessary component of a much-needed UK foreign policy reform.