Our transparency
Publish What You Fund works to the same standards of transparency that we ask of others. We believe that our transparency principles are as applicable to providers of development finance, south-south cooperation and humanitarian aid as they are to ‘traditional’ development aid. Our principles are:
- Information on aid should be published proactively
- Information on aid should be timely, accessible and comparable
- Everyone has the right to request and receive information about aid
- The right of access to information about aid should be promoted
We publish all of our financial data to the IATI Registry as part of our internal Transparency Policy that outlines our approach to organisational Ethics, Governance and Disclosure of Information. You can see a visualisation of our revenue and expenditure, based on our IATI data here.
We publish our annual statements of accounts as well as Board Minutes from our quarterly meetings.
You can download our Transparency Principles and our Transparency Policy for more information. If you have any questions about our transparency, then please get in touch at info@publishwhatyoufund.org.