Learn how to track gender financing with our video tutorial series
Which gender equality projects are being funded, where, with what aims and crucially, with what results? Find out how to use IATI and OECD data to get the answers you want in our video series.
We established the Gender Financing Project after our partners in the development sector highlighted the difficulty of tracking current and projected funding towards gender equality. To improve this, our project aims to map different sources of gender financing and to provide recommendations to governments, donor agencies, and civil society to improve the availability of information about this funding.
Over the course of 79 interviews and 42 follow-up surveys with key experts working on gender equality in Kenya, Nepal and Guatemala, interviewees repeatedly highlighted that there is insufficient knowledge or capacity within their organizations to navigate and track gender financing themselves. As a result, in addition to improving the availability and quality of gender financing data, our project is seeking to provide gender advocates with helpful tools and resources to find and use this data.
This is why we created the Gender Financing Project: Video Tutorial Series. The series is for anyone who would like to learn how to track aid and development funding for gender equality. The main focus of the four videos is to help you track international donors’ funding to improve gender equality, using some of the most trusted and well-used data sources.
To make our videos more accessible, each video includes the option for English closed captions [CC], as well as subtitles in French, Spanish, and Nepali. To view these, please use the buttons on each video to select the subtitles/closed captions (c) settings.
You can watch the videos below, or directly on YouTube to view the video descriptions and timestamps to help you navigate the content covered in each video. Video 1 provides an overview of gender financing and will help you to identify which data source may best meet your needs.
Video 1: What is gender financing, and why track it?
Video 2: How to track gender financing with the OECD gender-focused aid dashboard
Video 3: How to track gender financing with the OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS)
Video 4: How to track gender financing with the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)
For an overview of all the resources covered across the four videos, please download our video series handout below.
We hope this video tutorial series brings us a step closer to tracking gender financing more easily, to better allocate and coordinate resources for gender equality, and to holding funders accountable to their gender equality commitments.
We encourage you to share the videos with anyone within your network who might benefit from watching them.
The Gender Financing Project is funded by and in partnership with Friends of Publish What You Fund, and receives support from Plan International USA and Save the Children USA.