News Roundup – Balancing User Needs, Webinars and TAG Takeaways
How do we balance supply and demand?
We have a dilemma. How do we balance the supply of a functioning, usable aid transparency architecture with the growing demands of the numerous and increasingly competent users. How can we all ensure existing users receive the support they need to access data, and at the same time reach out to new audiences? Our new blog considers these competing needs and how we make data truly usable.
Our top TAG takeaways
Three of our team recently attended the IATI Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting in Kathmandu. On their return they’ve been reflecting on the skills, ideas and passion that exist within the aid transparency community, and laid down some challenges that need urgent attention. Read Gary Forster’s blog to find out what changes we’d like to see.
Free webinar: How to use open aid data 101
It’s not too late to sign up for our free interactive webinar on how to make the best use of international aid data, taking place on Friday 7th December at 10am GMT. We’ll be covering a variety of tools which can be used to access open aid data, and go into detail on the use of IATI, OECD-DAC and World Bank portal data.
Find out more and sign up here
And here’s a quick round up of what we’ve been reading this week…
Towards a New Pact on Multilateralism to Achieve the 2030 Agenda Together This OECD report contributes to the broader international debate on why we need multilateralism and how to make it more effective to achieve the 2030 Agenda. At a time when the value of multilateralism is being questioned, the report provides new evidence and recommendations for a new “pact” on multilateralism.
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have announced a joint framework for aligning their activities with the goals of the Paris Agreement. In a joint declaration, the MDBs committed to working together in six key areas considered central to meeting the goals of the Agreement.
Statistics on International Development: Final UK Aid Spend 2017 The UK Government has published an overview of official UK spend on international development in 2017.
Humanitarian Action and Foreign Policy: Balancing Interests and Values This ODI paper, the final outcome of a two-year research project on the relationship between state foreign policy and humanitarian action, looks at how the role governments play in responding to crises in other countries is influenced by a wider set of foreign policy drivers than the humanitarian imperative alone.
IFC is inviting additional reviews of the consultation draft Investing for Impact: Operating Principles for Impact Management. The Principles describe the essential features of managing investment funds with the intent to contribute to measurable positive social, economic, or environmental impact, alongside financial returns.
Global Humanitarian Overview 2019 and World Humanitarian Data and Trends 2018 OCHA has launched the GHO, a comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of world humanitarian needs, and WHDT which focuses on trends and opportunities in humanitarian action.
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