First data published for EIB development activities
The European Investment Bank (EIB) published the first set of data on its development operations to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).
This first report includes all contracts that were signed in 2014 in countries outside the EU (except EFTA countries). From now on, it will report data on a monthly basis, i.e. the IATI files will be up-dated every month and new signed contracts will be added. It has also published an IATI Implementation Schedule which provides an overview of the scope of their IATI reporting.
The EIB has been a member of the IATI since October 2013 and have been working over the last months with the IATI Secretariat to set in place the necessary systems and procedures to implement the IATI reporting standard.
It has a dedicated webpage provides all relevant information and links on EIB transparency initiatives.