Who?s in and who?s out? The post-Busan governance structure for aid effectiveness
The OECD DAC Working Party on Aid Effectiveness paved the way for negotiations running up to the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4), including on transparency, ownership and use of country systems. At HLF-4, the group’s function was extended for the first half of 2012 – to agree a governance structure for the new Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation, and a set of indicators and channels through which global monitoring and accountability will be supported. A post-Busan Interim Group, based on the pre-Busan “sherpa” representatives, will continue the negotiations on behalf of the Working Party.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 2012, with a series of consultations and negotiations led by the post-Busan interim group.
You can see a summary of the proposals here