Publish What You Fund publishes to IATI Registry
Publish What You Fund, the global campaign for aid transparency, has published its financial information to the International Aid Transparency Initiative Registry on the opening day of the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF4) in Busan.
The released data includes 100% of Publish What You Fund’s budgeted activities, though only for 2011-12 due to ongoing systems changes in 2011. Publish What You Fund plans to release detailed financial data on a monthly basis from the end of January 2012.
The data currently available on the IATI Registry is structured by three workstreams: Workstream 1, Advocacy and Communications; Workstream 2, Research and Monitoring; Workstream 3, Governance. As Publish What You Fund operates at an international rather than country level, the data is published as a single file.
Publish What You Fund is now the fifth NGO to publish its information to IATI (after Development Initiatives, International HIV/Aids Alliance, Engineers Without Borders Canada, and Oxfam,) and follows a recent flurry of publishing activity from donors. We hope that the Busan Outcome Document, currently being drafted for a final time at HLF4, contains aid transparency commitments which reflect the recent progress that has been made.