Glennie on agreeing global aid effectiveness principles
Jonathan Glennie writes today on the Guardian Poverty Matters Blog that there needs to be an international agreement on basic principles to govern all major forms of development finance in his article ‘Busan conference offers chance to tackle aid effectiveness’.
However he argues that “The risk of expanding the mandate to all flows is that traditional donors take their eyes off the ball with regard specifically to aid effectiveness. Conversely, Paris failed to link aid effectiveness principles to concrete development outcomes, and to capture the key political changes in a fast-changing world. A focus on basic principles of development finance is a happy medium, broad enough to bring on board new players in a new global partnership, but specific enough to be meaningful.”
Publish What You Fund launched a paper ‘Transparency of Chinese Aid’ on September 14 in light of the need to bring emerging donors and broader financial flows into the debate.
Read Glennie’s article or the ‘Transparency of Chinese Aid’ report.