Aid transparency in the Clinton Hearings
Publish What You Fund welcomes yesterday’s opening remarks from U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Dick Lugar:
“Congress should be offering its own ideas on how to improve our government’s development capacity. The Kerry-Lugar foreign assistance reform bill has strong support in the aid community and is co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 24 Senators, eleven of whom are members of the Foreign Relations Committee […] The bill has garnered wide support because it strengthens USAID and emphasizes greater evaluation and transparency of our foreign assistance programs to ensure we maximize the dollars that are available.”
Clinton said, "We have a unique opportunity to define the capabilities we need and then to match resources with priorities […] The QDDR will help ensure that we are more effective and accountable."
Publish What You Fund, a member of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network, advocates U.S. foreign assistance reform and supported the Senate and House teams working in this area. Along with organisations like ONE and OXFAM, we welcome attempts to improve transparency and ultimately aid effectiveness. We will continue to monitor the developments of today’s hearings:
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Thursday, Feb. 25 – 9:30AM EST – 2172 Rayburn
“Promoting Security through Diplomacy and Development: The Fiscal Year 2011 International Affairs Budget”
House Appropriations Subcommittee on State/Foreign Operations
Thursday, Feb. 25 – 1:00PM EST – 2359 Rayburn
“FY2011 Budget for the Dept. of State”